An independent expert and his independent examination of cars after a road traffic accident is the first and very important thing that helps to realistically assess all the material consequences of the accident. The work of an independent expert is mainly aimed at investigating all the circumstances of a particular road traffic accident. The main task of an independent expert after a road accident is to study the damage caused, as well as to estimate the amount for the restoration of the car. Traffic accidents, as well as various accidents, almost always cause a lot of stress for the driver of the car, are a reason for worry and excitement. We all understand that the mere fact that your vehicle is insured by any insurance company, of course, is not considered a guarantee of receiving a monetary compensation of the proper amount. It often happens that you have to strive for a very long time for what you must receive according to the law and the terms of the insurance contract Some drivers who pay premiums are confident that this is a guarantee that they will receive insurance compensation for the damage caused without any particular problems. However, the statistics are as follows: when calculating the amount of damage caused to a vehicle out of ten accidents, only one driver receives insurance compensation of the appropriate amount. In other cases, the assessment of insurance damage is biased, and the conclusions do not correspond to the truth. Unfortunately, this is difficult to avoid. It is clear that insurance companies are commercial organizations, whose main task is to obtain the greatest possible benefit. Many dishonest, unscrupulous insurance companies exist and thrive precisely due to the fact that they refuse their clients insurance payments or groundlessly underestimate the amount of insurance compensation To obtain from the insurance company an assessment of the damage caused to the vehicle or in other cases, for example, if the car is used for work and there is a need to repair it as soon as possible, they often contact the insurer. In cases where the client does not agree with the amount calculated by the insurance company, or the proposed amount of losses incurred or damage due to damage to the car, the losses for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners or voluntary insurance of motor hull insurance were incorrectly calculated, it is recommended to contact independent automotive expert An independent automotive expert comes to the site and inspects your vehicle. He takes pictures of all available places of the car that were damaged during a traffic accident, and subsequently prepares an inspection report for your car. Also, all persons interested in this can be invited to the place of this examination An independent automotive expert and an independent examination conducted by him is an excellent way to establish the objective amount of damage caused to a vehicle, since often when assessing by insurance companies, the amount of damage is significantly underestimated, it happens that damage is calculated not for all parts of the car or there are hidden after a traffic accident. In no case should you agree with the incorrectly calculated amount of damage, since in this case there will simply be no turning back. In order to be able to make a real assessment of the damage of a transport accident, it is best to immediately seek help from an independent expert who will conduct an examination of your vehicle